Undercover Angel Reinvention Excerpt
Monday, May 26, 2008

I’d done it! I was off to the Chicago Police Academy one week later. Mom was beside herself. I had caused her so much anxiety already with my Desert Storm experience. My actions were always the opposite of what she expected of me. If I didn’t know any better, I would have guessed that she and Tony were co-conspirators in a plot to hold me back from a life of independence.

Following in the tradition of my Air Force battle-dress camouflage, the private security uniform, and the oh-so-flattering blue dispatcher polyesters, I now proudly donned the infamous brown khakis and Navy-style cap for the police academy. Talk about self-imposed fashion masochism! Was this the same girl who competed for Miss Illinois? The academy was as severe as the military regarding women who attempted to look like women. Make-up and jewelry were not permitted, nor was hair allowed to hang outside the cap.

Yes, I'd done it again, reinvented into a police cadet...little did I know what that one choice would have in store me...stay tuned!

Remember to set aside a quiet Memorial DAy moment for our American Veterans and our current heroes serving our Great Country Today!

Lisa Lockwood is a Speaker, Author & Reinvention Expert
She can be reached at Lisa@LisaLockwood.com www.LisaLockwood.com

(This piece is copyrighted; please credit the author if you intend to use it.)

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Undercover Angel Reinvention Excerpt
Monday, May 19, 2008

Back Story:

It was my second year in the Air Force in the midst of Operation Desert Storm. My supervisors were sent to Kuwait and I remained behind-stateside and suddenly put in charge of retired military drivers and enlisted Airmen-like myself.

After all, one day I was their equal and the next day I was their supervisor. This had to be a hard pill to swallow, considering my age (twenty-one) and gender. I remembered what I learned in basic training: “never make or accept an excuse.” This went over like a lead balloon. I felt like the Gestapo as I declined excuse after excuse over the next few weeks. The men didn’t recognize the new and improved, firm and authoritative Lisa. The grumbling began. They resented my power and made the smallest gestures to ensure I knew it; they snatched keys from my hand, gave me the evil eye and turned their backs on me as I relayed their assignments to them. I felt betrayed. They made it clear that they were OK working with me but not for me.

With the knowledge that men and women were sacrificing their lives defending our allies across the world, the last thing I wanted to concern myself with was how these men treated me. I pretended that our safe stateside base was in the middle of Desert Storm and no one was going to get in the way of completing our daily missions. I learned that change is first ridiculed, and then questioned, before it is ultimately accepted.

Par for the course, the men mocked my authority, questioned why I was chosen to lead them and tested me, before adapting to their new leader. It took nearly six weeks for them to accept my appointment and a few more weeks for them to socialize with me as they had before.I efficiently ran our unit as if my life depended on it. Less than a year later, I was nominated for and won the prestigious honor of Airman of the Year Worldwide for the Logistics Squadrons.”

Staying the course wasn’t always easy for me but I learned that remaining steadfast and persistent proved to be rewarding.

Lisa Lockwood is a Speaker, Author & Reinvention Expert
She can be reached at Lisa@LisaLockwood.com www.LisaLockwood.com

(This piece is copyrighted; please credit the author if you intend to use it.)

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Reinvented Mothers
Monday, May 12, 2008

Happy Mother’s Day-week!

I was one of those women, ala, Sex & the City’s Carrie Bradshaw, who really didn’t know if I ever wanted to be a “mom.” Zipping through life, enjoying the ride of personal discovery, career, dating and friends, I truly never put much thought into motherhood.

I also had a peer group on a similar track, even as we approached our early 30’s, we occasionally would brooch the topic, “Do you think you’ll ever have kids?” Unanimously it was a gray zone…no pressing urge, no biological clock. One thing was certain we wouldn’t date men with children. If we wanted to have kids we would choose it for ourselves, no “mom’s by default” for our group.

Funny enough, years later we realized that our steadfast declaration proved:
Women don’t always know they want and never say never.

A few short years later, we’ve all reinvented ourselves by choice- to not only dating men with children, but marrying them, thus becoming step-moms. Who’d have thunk?

Recently one of my friends, we’ll call her Samantha, said, “You know how they say mother’s are under-appreciated? I’d like to trump that statement with step-mother’s are under appreciated!”

We both had a fun chuckle as we lamented about our roles. We give, serve, love, tutor, schedule, carpool and sacrifice our personal time-you know….all the things good mother’s do. Then we discussed all the things our step-mother label didn’t give us; the freedom to discipline, direct and make major choices like which school, camp or extra-curricular activities the children should attend and partake.

But, alas, the reward of it all is realized when Mother’s Day arrives and we receive a card with the words, “Happy-Mother’s Day absent the word “step.” Because when it comes right down to it…we truly are moms by choice not default.

Lisa Lockwood is a Speaker, Author & Reinvention Expert
She can be reached at Lisa@LisaLockwood.com www.LisaLockwood.com

(This piece is copyrighted; please credit the author if you intend to use it.)

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Decide to Reinvent This Week!
Sunday, May 4, 2008

Ever notice how we, generally, step up when life demands, not when we demand. We tend to reinvent ourselves at effect of a change in our environment rather than at cause or free will.

Knowing this, we put limits on ourselves, and never seem to have the time to accomplish what we truly desire in our lives.

The most difficult part of reinventing our lives is deciding what exactly we want to do, have or make happen.

To assist you with the process, slowly read the following prompts and notice what comes up for you.

  • Imagine feeling inspired every day you wake up

  • Imagine achieving perfect health & fitness

  • Imagine living your life's purpose & dreams

  • Imagine doing what you love and loving what you do in your career

  • Imagine finding your true passion in life

  • Imagine creating wealth for yourself instead of debt

  • Imagine being in a healthy and loving relationship

How do you feel now? Decide this week which area of your life demands your attention and commit to doing something, out of your comfort zone, to make a step in the direction of your next reinvention.

"Press on! A better fate awaits thee."
Victor Hugo

Lisa Lockwood is a Speaker, Author & Reinvention Expert
She can be reached at Lisa@LisaLockwood.com www.LisaLockwood.com

(This piece is copyrighted; please credit the author if you intend to use it.)

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