Reinvention – A Second Chance To...
Monday, March 31, 2008
..........Make A First Impression!

In her recent induction speech at the Rock and Roll Hall of Fame, Madonna thanked an unlikely audience – her harshest critics. Their resistance propelled Madonna to three decades of platinum albums, pop icon status and worldwide recognition as the queen of reinvention. Madonna’s willingness to keep ahead of the times by constantly reinventing her image is extraordinary, yet completely attainable.
Reinvention is challenging and often overwhelming, but I like to think I make it easy for people to reinvent their personal and professional lives.

As a start, I'd like to encourage you, at the very least, to combine optimism with whatever reinvention your contemplating. View each bump in the road as an opportunity to grow.

I believe we are capable of achieving things far greater than we think!It is only our perceived limitations that prevent us from stepping into our next reinvention.

Remember that Reinvention is necessary for anyone seeking to heal past issues such as abuse, elevate their self esteem, resolve relationship issues or break through personal limitations and barriers.

The goal ultimate goal of Reinvention,is to embrace the change as a necessary part of our evolution. Once you do that, you are on the right path to a happy and fulfilling life.

Lisa Lockwood is a Speaker, Author and Reinvention Expert
She can be reached at

(This piece is copyrighted, do not copy with out permission from the author)

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Reinvention Tips
Tuesday, March 25, 2008

“What do Madonna, Arnold Schwarzenegger and Tyra Banks have in common? Reinvention!

They’ve all had incredible success in one area of their lives, reinvented themselves by pursuing new successful careers that didn’t have anything to do with what they first set out to do.

Madonna went from pop singer to actor, film producer, clothing designer.
Arnold Schwarzenegger went from Mr. Universe to actor to Governor of California.
Tyra Banks went from Supermodel to television talk show host.

And let’s not forget my claim to fame; welfare kid, beauty queen, SWAT team member, author and speaker to Reinvention Expert.

So what’s stopping you from leaving behind what you’re doing now?

Oh I know what you’re thinking; I’ve missed the boat, my opportunity came and went, I’m not young enough, smart enough or strong enough to put my energies into pursuing a new reinvention.

We all have something burning inside of us that we want to go after. Some of us have achieved our dreams, but what happens when that dream is realized and it turns out to be anti-climatic? You find yourself going through the motions in that field knowing you’re not as fired up about it any longer.

You’re probably thinking, “Now what? I already invested so much time, money and maybe even education to fulfill my dream. This is who I am. People know me as the mother, the doctor, the teacher, etc. Do you expect me to drop everything and change my life’s course?”

The answer is, “Yes.” You don’t owe it to me, you owe it to yourself. It has been done before. As a matter of fact what if I told you, after raising five children, my aunt went back to school in her mid-fifties to become a nurse. She’s been an RN in a cancer unit now for over 10 years.

I challenge you to do one thing today. Think about this: If money wasn't a factor, what would you be doing with your life today?

“A life without reinvention is comparable to a life spent in purgatory!”
Lisa Lockwood

Lisa Lockwood is a Speaker, Author and Reinvention Expert
She can be reached at

(This piece is copyrighted, do not copy with out permission from the author)

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Undercover Angel From Beauty Queen to SWAT Team
Monday, March 17, 2008

Figuring out what we want is the hardest thing we can do when we’re contemplating a reinvention. I’d like to give you an example of how and when I decided to make one of my latest reinventions, an excerpt from my memoir; Undercover Angel From Beauty Queen to SWAT team:

Nuzzled fireside on my cocoon-like futon, writing my list of goals and dreams for 2003 was no different than past Januarys. I had asked myself repeatedly over the last year, if money were abundant, what would I love to do in this life? After attending a series of life-balancing seminars in 2001 and 2002, I was beginning to get a clearer picture of what I truly wanted from my life. I wanted to travel the world helping people. I felt so comfortable offering a kind ear, giving advice, and opening the eyes of family, friends and colleagues…After seven years of law enforcement, I felt I had truly fulfilled all my police desires for excitement, challenge and growth.

I felt ready for a reinvention. I find that once we get the “money thing” out of the way, we’re free to explore absolutely anything our creative minds can dream up. Upon leaving law enforcement, I set one goal. That goal was to chronicle my life’s journey, chock full of reinventions, in book form. I wasn’t a writer per se and had no professional experience in book writing. I decided I would write a book and embarked into my new reinvention…Lisa Lockwood author.

Lisa Lockwood is a Speaker, Author and Reinvention Expert
She can be reached at

(This piece is copyrighted, do not copy with out permission from the author)

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