Leaving Fear Behind
Monday, April 28, 2008

Choosing to reinvent is not always going to be easy. As a matter-of-fact, it can feel downright daunting; depending on how far you plan on stretching out of your comfort zone.

I want you to think about how many times you have put off making a monumental decision, procrastinated or repressed an emotion because you were too fearful of the result? And think about after you’ve made the decision, how often did you discover that it was a lot easier than you imagined and even found it relieving? If you’re anything like me, you probably said, “Many times.” Yet we continue to do it.
In my memoir, Undercover Angel, I had many references for not taking swift action in areas I knew I needed to change. Looking back, every single fear I had turned out to be an unwarranted fear.

Knowing full well that nothing is ever as bad as we think, we still get stuck in our own immobilizing fear patterns.

I have a solution to this:

Consider making a list of the perceived fearful events in your lives. The events that you focused so much energy into that later proved to be a piece of cake or at the very least a mild inconvenience?

I believe having these references available for immediate access will reduce the amount of time we spend in indecision when making your next reinvention choice.

Sometimes all it takes is having a reference from our own lives immediately available to give us the courage we need to make our next step.

“The truth is that our finest moments are most likely to occur when we are feeling deeply uncomfortable, unhappy, or unfulfilled. For it is only in such moments, propelled by our discomfort, that we are likely to step out of our ruts and start searching for different ways or truer answers.”
M. Scott Peck

Lisa Lockwood is a Speaker, Author and Reinvention Expert
She can be reached at Lisa@LisaLockwood.com www.LisaLockwood.com

(This piece is copyrighted; please credit the author if you intend to use it.)

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"Act as if" you've done it before!
Monday, April 21, 2008

One of the tools most important tools that I used throughout my life, “Act as if” was certainly not created by me. This sage advice had been used for thousands of years by people who were preparing to do something that they’ve never done before. “Acting as if” was, is and will continue to be one of the most important tools we can arm ourselves with to attain incredible success.

In my free success lesson newsletter, I give specific examples of when I took on various roles working undercover police operations that I had no experience in doing. Of course, I had the added incentive of acting as if my life depended on it because, frankly…it did. When the stakes are higher we can just about be or do anything we want. But I also used it when the stakes weren’t so high, like competing in a beauty pageant without training and it worked there as well.

Oprah herself used this skill when she was auditioning for her first job on television. Barbara Walters was one of Oprah’s mentors. So to prepare for the audition Oprah remembered how Barbara Walters sat, crossed her legs and propped her head upon her fist when she leaned toward a guest and used it.

Oprah “acted as if” she was Barbara Walters and nailed her audition…and the rest, well, we certainly know how great that worked for her.

As you prepare to venture into a new role for your life; starting a new career, becoming a mom for the first time, taking a dance class, joining a new club…whatever it is that you decide you want to pursue, start to “act as if” you’ve done it before. Confidence will inevitably follow. If you want to really get a fire under your behind, “act as if” your life depends on you achieving the goal.

Lisa Lockwood is a Speaker, Author and Reinvention Expert
She can be reached at Lisa@LisaLockwood.com www.LisaLockwood.com

(This piece is copyrighted; please credit the author if you intend to use it.)

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Persist Until You Succeed!
Sunday, April 13, 2008

Last Wednesday I was invited to be interviewed on Fox Business News Happy Hour in New York City. Later I found out that the program broadcasts live from “The Bull and Bear Pub” in the Waldorf Astoria Hotel…very cool.

I was interviewed at the bottom of the hour by Cody -the male half of the Rebecca Gomez & Cody Willard co-anchor team. Cody composed himself after some chuckling disbelief as he tried to imagine that I was once a SWAT cop he said, “I know persistence was one of the tools you used to accomplish so many goals in your life…in thirty seconds can you tell our audience how to be persistent?”

In essence, I answered, “When you keep your focus on your goal, your mind will assist you. It will look for new and creative ways to get your outcome. It’s your job to continually respond by acting upon those new ideas.”

Keeping in line with my goal of providing you with the knowledge, tools, support and hopefully, the inspiration you need to recreate your life, your career, your health and/or your relationships, I’d like you to be aware of the importance persistence is to the formula.

In, The Science of Getting Rich by Wallace Wattles, I was never more moved and inspired by his following words:

“God’s gift to you is more talent and ability than you could possibly use in your lifetime. Your gift to God is to develop as much of that talent and ability as you can in this lifetime.”

Having said that, when would now, be a good time to declare that you will persist until you succeed?

‘Til next time, consider taking action on an unaccomplished goal that you haven’t crossed off your to do list. Trust that you will generate new and creative ways to make it happen!

Lisa Lockwood is a Speaker, Author and Reinvention Expert
She can be reached at Lisa@LisaLockwood.com www.LisaLockwood.com

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What would you say....
Monday, April 7, 2008

I had the privelege of being interviewed on, "The Ladies Room with Lolis," today via telephone in Austin, TX. Turns out Lolis, an incredible leader in the women's club, also had an experience in the pageant world (a former Miss Ohio-USA).

After sharing my story with her listeners she closed the interview with this question, "Lisa, what would you say to someone who is listening today, who wants to reinvent themself but isn't sure into what?"

I love that question for two reasons. One, because I know the answer, ha ha and two because it's a super question that is asked by more people than I can count. It deserves as much air-time as air itself will allow.

I answered, "Think for a moment about who you'd like to become, take away the "how" that could actually happen. When you feel equally excited and fearful at the thought of transforming into that reinvention, (now I'm talking about the goosebump excitement and shivering fear combined kind of feeling) then you'll know you have your answer.

The next step is simple, write it down, put it into a journal, on your computer or even add it to your vision/dream board. Congratulate yourself for identifying your next reinvention and prepare yourself for the ride of your life.

The most difficult part of reinventing is deciding your next move. Once that decision is made you'll start to see that you will attract people, events and opportunities that coincide with your reinvention.

Lisa Lockwood is a Speaker, Author and Reinvention Expert
She can be reached at Lisa@LisaLockwood.com www.LisaLockwood.com

(This piece is copyrighted, do not copy with out permission from the author)

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