Reinvent Today!!!
Friday, August 15, 2008

Reinvention and transformation are no longer just “buzz words” as we reorganize our lives in today’s economy. In fact, reinvention has become a must in light of the shrinking American dollar, the sinking real estate market, plunging automotive industry and corporate downsizing. The media is threatening more uncertainty for our economy that reflects similarities to “The Great Depression.” We’ve been bracing ourselves over the last year for the bottom to fall out so we can at least know that the worst is over. We’re all aware of how the ripple effect impacts every area of our lives. With that information, some of you have already taken steps to reinvent yourself. You’ve changed careers, started side jobs to either maintain your previous standard of living or are just barely keeping your head above water.

While touring with Undercover Angel, I’ve noticed a strong sense of urgency from people who wish to learn rapidly how to reinvent. I explained that we reinvent two ways; it’s either thrust upon us out of necessity and needed to have happened yesterday or it’s a conscious choice made with the luxury of having time on our side. Obviously the people who are inquiring about reinvention now fall into the category of reinvention via necessity. Remember it doesn’t matter by which means we reinvent, they both serve us and both results can be equally rewarding. So for those of you who are truly ready for your next reinvention here’s how to get started!

If you’re ready to expand your identity, which I think you are, you must answer my trademark qualifying question. If money were abundant, what would be the thing you would do that would propel from your bed every morning? To help you, your answer should give you a sense of elation and the butterflies in your stomach feeling simultaneously. Or to put it another way, the thing you see yourself doing should cause the dichotomy of blissful joy and nerve racking fear at the same time. You’re now thinking, “Oh great Lisa, that’s really not a feeling I want to have. Can’t I just get another mindless job until I get my finances in order and then pursue what I really want?” My answer, ‘Sure you can, but first you must sign a contract with yourself that you will do it by a reasonable date, say 2 years from now, and include the repercussion that if you do not fulfill it by contracts end you will be fined $5 million dollars.’ Then I will believe you.

It all comes down to this, your personal power, drive, follow-through and persistence are the cornerstone characteristics they determine whether or not you are ready to pursue your passion to garner the rewards that you deserve. You design your lifes. You are accountable for everything that happens to you in your life. What do you want for yourself? A life by your design or someone elses? Drop me an email and let me know what you decide.

To watch the Undercover Angel-Video Book trailer, click here.

Lisa Lockwood is a Speaker, Author & Reinvention Expert
She can be reached at

(Reprint Permission. You are welcome to reprint this blog article, however, please credit me with: Reprinted from Lisa Lockwood’s Reinvention Blog.)

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