More Reinvention Tips
Monday, February 25, 2008

We’ve all heard of or known people who have ditched their successful careers, given up the stability of the life they’ve created and switched gears to go in a new direction and become something or someone else. It’s not easy nor is it safe, but it’s a way get back on track and pursue our unfulfilled dreams and potential. Sometimes it’s a reflection of how we’ve changed and what we now want or need.

Most of the time, people reinvent themselves because of their circumstances, making the reinvention a “must.” When we’re contemplating making a shift to pursue a goal or dream, we often categorize it as a “should.” But shouldn’t we classify our goals and dreams as “musts?” The answer is absolutely, positively YES!

Successful people are already using this strategy. We all have the capability to have success if we choose to apply the reinvention tool by choice. Whether we like Madonna or not, her successful music career is not her only highlight in life. Madonna’s unparalleled ability to reinvent herself over the last three decades places her in “a league of her own.”

Madonna was keenly aware of the necessity to keep current with music industry trends based on the rapidly changing demographics for pop culture. Even as Madonna enjoyed her phenomenal successes in music, she took unpopular risks as she navigated new reinvention ventures; actor, record producer, film producer, fashion designer, author, director, wife, mother and philanthropist. Not bad for a dancer, singer, songwriter, guitarist and percussionist.

Think about how quickly we reinvent ourselves during a crisis. We barely have time to think about it, let alone choose. It’s done. All other matters are no longer important. Imagine that you’re going about your life, showing up at work, taking care of the kids and the house and then WHAM, catastrophe strikes. All of sudden your world is literally turned upside down and your reinvention consumes your life. You surrender to your new role. You re-prioritize your life based on the external event.

Choosing to be at cause for a reinvention doesn’t rate very high for most people. We find we’re better at clean-up than we are at putting our energy and attention on creating what we truly want.

Take it from me; a welfare kid, waitress, beauty queen, battered woman, heavy equipment operator, Desert Storm veteran, police officer, undercover detective, SWAT team member, author, speaker, life coach, wife, and step-mom.

We are not what we do. We are the result of a compilation of the experiences in our lives. Every door opened to us and closed behind us represents an opportunity for reinvention.

Lisa Lockwood is a Speaker, Author and Reinvention Expert from Chicago.
She can be reached at

(This piece is copyrighted, do not copy with out permission from the author)

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Reinvention Tips
Thursday, February 21, 2008

Whether you reinvent yourself because of a major life change or want a quick and simple reinvention to accommodate one area of your life, I will show you exactly how to make the shift and get the best out of the new you!

How do we know when it’s time to reinvent ourselves?

There are two instances by which we reinvent ourselves;

  1. a calculated choice (pursuing a dream)

  2. “Forced” out of necessity by external factors (becoming a caregiver for an aged parent, victim of a crime, financially strapped, failing health)

Therefore, dependant on where we resonate emotionally, financially or physically at a particular time in our lives, a catalyst for reinvention is born.

Of the two instances in which we reinvent, people are more likely to reinvent themselves when they’re forced to out of necessity.

What I want to empower you with is the ability to choose reinvention vs. having reinvention thrust upon you. I want to give you the ability to take control of your reinvention in order to get the most from your lives. There will always be factors or surprises that take us away from our goals and dreams. It is how we deal with those factors that will permit us to get back on track sooner rather than later.

Lisa Lockwood is a Speaker, Author and Reinvention Expert from Chicago.
She can be reached at

(this piece is copyrighted, do not copy with our permission from the author)

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A Way for Women To Get a Step-Up at Work
Wednesday, February 13, 2008

It’s Still Not Easy Being a Woman at Work!

Former Beauty Queen Turned SWAT Cop Shares 5 Things Women Should Never Do on the Job

Women have been in the workplace since the 1940s and since then have managed to infiltrate every male-only enclave. But even though tremendous progress has been made, men and women still have problems working together and women still have problems being taken seriously.

As a former beauty contest pageant contestant and undercover detective, I know the difficulties women encounter in traditionally male-dominated professions, and how women can overcome them.

  • Want a few secrets women can use to win men over at work and vice versa.
  • Never complain about cramps or PMS to a male coworker.
  • Never criticize a male coworker in the presence of another male coworker.
  • Never ask a man’s opinion about their hair color, hair cut or weight.
  • Play pranks on someone and ask men to help you with their planning.
  • Ask men to help you with problems even if you don’t actually need their help.
  • Be in the know about certain sports teams, standings and players.

CREDENTIALS: Lisa Lockwood is a veteran of the first Gulf War, former beauty pageant contestant and undercover detective. She is now a successful writer, speaker and life coach. Her latest book, UNDERCOVER ANGEL: From Beauty Queen to Swat Team … A True Story, chronicles her career as a police officer.

AVAILABILITY: Chicago, Midwest, and nationally by phone

CONTACT: Lisa Lockwood, (514) 620-4224 (IL);;

Technorati Profile

(this piece is copyrighted, do not copy with our permission from the author)

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Getting Back on Track
Monday, February 11, 2008

Yikes...another Monday!

Of course I jest at the feeling many people have toward the first day of a new work week. Having done shift work for years in the military, private security and police sectors, Mondays may as well have been any other day of the week.

I can relate, however, to the dread that wells up when a new work week has started and we're not particularly inspired or passionate about our job.

Just today, in my relentless pursuit to reach audiences near and far, I was feeling rather overwhelmed. It is possible to feel overwhelmed even if you are on track for your life's mission, vision and purpose.

So to get back on track, I opened my agenda and marked the word Focus on each day of the week. Under the word Focus, I wrote down the thing or task that I would spend the day concentrating on. Doing that small thing instantly permitted me to sigh a sense of relief.

Consider taking a moment to get a hold on prioritizing your week and committing to letting go of the non-essentials this week and see how you feel.

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Victim to Victor
Monday, February 4, 2008

I wrote my story, Undercover Angel From Beauty Queen to SWAT Team to inspire others by showing them a unique transformation: from a welfare kid into a beauty pageant contestant, a soldier to victim of domestic violence, SWAT cop to man-eater, and finally back into the skin in which I was meant to live: A loving, adventurous, nurturing, driven and passionate lady-who just happens to know how to storm a drug house at a moment's notice.

Happy February! As we delve into 2008, many of us are either charged up and moving forward with pursuing new goals or already feeling regret for getting off track so soon. It's not uncommon to get fired up and excited about making the same changes we promised to make in 2007. In the moment, we truly do believe that this will be the year to stcik with it.

What's missing in our make-up that causes us to repeat a pattern that we had full intent of changing?

I believe it's as basic as leverage. Holding ourselves accountable to the "thing" (reward or punishment)we promised we would do if we either; stayed on track or gotten off of the course.

When would now be a good time to hold ourselves accountable for an action or in-action?

This is the difference between a Victim and Victor! Who are you right now, today and what are you willing to do about it.

Yesterday cannot be revisited but today is a new beginning. Make it count!

All My Best, Lisa

Lisa Lockwood is a Speaker, Author and Life Coach from Chicago.
She can be reached at

(This piece is copyrighted and can be used by permission only)

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